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Query your projections

A projection is an Eloquent model and is queried the same way, but keep in mind that the projections are all stored in a single table called time_series_projections.

That means you'll have to use scope methods to get the correct projections regarding the period or even the key you defined earlier.

Query a named projection

You can build your query in three different ways:

Using your projection class

To query a projection with a specific name, use your projection class:


This query will return an instance of the ProjectionCollection collection, which will help you generate a [time series](/getting-started/query-your-projections#converts-your-projections-to-a-time series) if needed.

Using the model relationship

Each projection has a many to many (polymorphic) relationship with the bound model(s):


Depending on the projection(s) you wish to query, the given parameter can also be null or an array of projections class names.

Using the parent class

As an alternative, you can use the name scope method of the Projection class:

use TimothePearce\TimeSeries\Models\Projection;


Restrict your query to a period

To restrict your query to a period use the period scope method:

MyProjection::period('1 day')

Restrict your query to a key

To restrict your query to a key use the key scope method:

$teamId = Team::first()->id;


Query the projections between two dates


The MissingProjectionPeriodException exception will rise if you use the between, fillBetween or toTimeSeries method without specifying a period.

When you want to query projections between two dates, use the between scope method with the Carbon $startDate and Carbon $endDate arguments:

MyProjection::period('1 day')
today()->subDay(), // start date
today(), // end date

The between method parameters must be instances of the Illuminate\Support\Carbon class.

Each date is rounded to the floor by the given period, which means that you don't have to provide the exact dates, Time Series will do the maths for you.

Note that this method does not fill the missing projections between the given dates, instead it returns a query builder.

Get and fill the missing projection between two dates

If you wish to obtain projections between two dates but also fill the missing ones, Time Series provides the fillBetween method.

MyProjection::period('1 day')

It works the same way as the between method but returns an instance of the ProjectionCollection class filled with a merge of the projections stored in your database and the missing ones.

The defaultContent method from the projection queried will be use a fallback content value for the missing projections.

Query a time series

Time Series defines a "time series" as the final representation of your projections' data, represented as an array of segments.

Before going any further, let's look at how a segment looks like.

The time series segment

A segment is a projection instance converted to an array with all the data you need to easily draw a chart.

You can convert a instance of a projection with the segment method:

$projection = MyProjection::period('1 day')->first();


"projection_name" => "App\Models\Projections\MyProjection"
"period" => "1 day",
"start_date" => "2022-01-06 00:00:00",
"end_date" => "2022-01-06 23:59:59",
"content" => [
"update_count" => 12

The start_date and end_date let you plot your segment on a time axis, as well as the content array which is the entry point to all data stored by the projection.

Get a time series from the projection model

To get a time series from a projection model, use the toTimeSeries method:

MyProjection::period('1 day')

This method return a collection of segments, ordered by date.

Convert a collection to a time series


Note that the collection must be only filled with projections instances.

If you previously queried a projections and get an instance of the ProjectionCollection, it is very likely that you want to convert the projections instances in segments. To do that, you can use the toSegments method:

$projections = MyProjection::period('1 day')
