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Make a model projectable

The Projectable trait

When you want to make your model projectable, you must add it the Projectable trait:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use TimothePearce\TimeSeries\Projectable;

class MyProjectableModel extends Model
use Projectable;

Under the hood, this trait will listen for the model's lifecycle events in order to bind them to the projections you will define in the next paragraph.

It also defines a MorphToMany relation with the generic TimothePearce\TimeSeries\Models\Projection model, which allows you to query your projections following the Eloquent conventions you already know.

Bind your model to projections

After making your model projectable, you have to bind it to the projections of your choice:


namespace App\Models;

use App\Models\Projections\MyProjection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use TimothePearce\TimeSeries\Projectable;

class MyProjectableModel extends Model
use Projectable;

protected array $projections = [

As you see, the projections class attribute is a type array, which means you can bind your model to multiple projections in case you need it.